Can’t Sleep? Try “Savouring” Your Way into Sleepytime
Just in case you haven’t tried it…. This technique they now call “savouring” is a practice I do frequently in the work I do with clients…that can be applied to easing into sleepytime..
I often share about how the mind records all events via the 5 modalities: see, hear, feel, taste, smell.
I encourage happy journaling …. Entering happy moments, memories and dreams, art, experiences etc. especially using these modalities. It is a powerful exercise that, when done routinely, shifts the balance of our emotional wellness in our lives. It’s not positive thinking. Consider it positive programming.
Here is an article to support the use of recalling a happy memory as you go to bed focusing on the specific sensory aspects of the memory: colors, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings. The psychology based term for it is “savouring”.
In case you haven’t used this technique…I hope it is helpful.