Climbing our Mountain to Victory

“Climbing a mountain and entails difficulty, and the higher the mountain, the greater the difficulties a climber faces. But once a person reaches the summit he or she will savor a state of mind far greater than that attained by those who handily climb lesser peaks” Daisaku Ikeda

It takes courage to persevere and determination to follow to the very end what you’re trying to accomplish no matter what the difficulties arise. We all suffer from vulnerabilities. We all have stories of hurt and pain. We all have insecurities.  Dreams unrealized. We all strive for a sense of purpose

What burdens are you carrying? What purpose do you want to serve? What is left unexpressed for you… Right now?

This year, the mountain I’m climbing is being able to be comfortable being visible, heard, so I can fulfill my mission to encourage, support, and relieve others from their pains, their traumas, disappointments, fears whatever is holding them back so that they can realize their greatest potential and how. they. matter… First and foremost to themselves. In this world of social media and technology…this is hard.

I have survived,  but more importantly overcome deep emotional barriers cemented in my beliefs in my perceptions due to childhood sexual, physical, emotional abuse. Anorexia. Bulimia. Cutting. Held up belly to belly, nose to nose with a gun up my ribs at age 17. bouts of self medicating with Alcohol, depression, insecurities as a mother and a challenged marriage. Those were harder. And yet….I endured right?

You have stories. You have memories. What holds you back? What mountain are you facing? Your relationships? Your career? Your dreams?

My openness, what I write, how I help my clients from my experiences, skills and my training… Are all very true and seen.  

What I hide in plain sight is my struggle to being seen… too much.  Truth. 

Here is how I know is: 

During a pandemic at the beginning I was doing these little videos with my husband and I was getting a wonderful response to them. To this day I still get emails and request for more videos. And always the question: why did you stop? Because it created a panic in my anxieties. I was “being seen too much”. The attention was frightening.

It was a learned behavior from when I was young if I got too much attention there was trouble right around the corner. It continued in my life.  and still holds me back. I didn’t have to be front and center although I held a quite prestigious job for many years. But I always was nimble: jump in …. satisfied to lead for a minute and then step back out and fan the wind of others so they could go in front of me. 

How many of you are uncomfortable with praise? Or taught not to be seen or heard? 

I’m all about also showing my vulnerability… I’ve worked on this a lot and I think I’m ready now to be witnessed…as I shake in my seat lol….of being more visible and heard ….posting more regularly - sharing more regularly - being seen more regularly - all for the work that I do for the mission I’m on. 

Thats the mountain that I’m climbing this year.

Reminding myself…just like every time when climbing the Pyrenees mountains or even those glorious hills in Tuscany ….they were freaking steep! All of a sudden you see that looooong steep incline and you’re like holy crap. But deep down….you know what you want is way more than the anxieties or the exhaustion between you and the summit. You want. that. more.

The only way to achieve both the agony and the victory:  put 1 foot in front of the other. Pause. Take a breath. Repeat. Every so often turn around and look how far you’ve come.

At the summit, when you arrive….that feeling of exhilaration embraces you. Every rock. Every groan was worth it.  

So here it is 2023… This is the mountain I’m climbing this year … just like on the Camino…take more steps forward… take more steps upward… breathe more…be more open to share be visible online and in person. 

Every once in a while I’ll be turning around to  see you there … watching me fall and stumble and gasp lolol.  But I will still be there… 

What is the summit you want to reach this year? Not a goal. Not a resolution. A space of freedom in your soul. What mountain do you want to face and climb with me this year?

I am so looking forward to being beside you …. then behind you….watching you arrive with your head above the clouds …..witnessing your celebration and victory.

Let’s begin.


Can’t Sleep? Try “Savouring” Your Way into Sleepytime


Cheers to the One’s that… Went Ahead.