Vision Walks Help Us Find Our Way
Walking the Camino de Santiago, the Portuguese Coastal Way May-June 2023
VISION WALKS - Your Brain Knows What Direction to Take
Walking miles and miles on our Camino to arrive at Santiago…we knew where we were headed and had a route to get there though there were alternate options. But oftimes in our life we are not sure which direction to take ... to solve a challenge we are facing or having to make a change.
One useful and natural way is to think about the problem, choice, opportunity we want to resolve.......and take. a. walk. Not just any walk. But a vision walk. Your answers may just be 3 simple steps away:
1. Plan yourself a nice long walk.....anywhere...someplace accessible or desireable....or available nearby...even in your neighborhood if you can't afford the travel time.
2. Identify the problem, the decision, the goal you want to resolve. Title this ..... some of my examples were "Fear of Failure", "Stay or Go", "Better Mother" and more'll have your own.
3. Walk.....but while you walk...let the environment speak to you. Really take notice of everything you see, you hear, taste, smell...anything that nudges and triggers a thought about this assignment. Your subconscious will see something and automatically translate it to respond to your mission. Could be road signs, the way the clouds are formed...found objects, people you see, means of transportation, objects...smells that bring back memories.... Could be your own physical movements (EX: notice how you skipped over a crack in the walk ...maybe suggesting you are nimble to change?) Or perhaps people you encounter! They may have a message! They all serve as a dashboard for you. You will be surprised to the metaphoric messages that will surface.
Say you were addressing some challenge or decision on your mind right now... and you came upon these "stone walls" along your path. What is the immediate thought that first comes to mind.... what useful message surfaces that speaks to and serves you?
Vision walks signal your inner wisdom to focus and guide you.
Not only will you arrive at some (or all) conclusions you need or'll benefit with a bonus: stimulating your healthy hormones with physical activity, receiving vital Vitamin D from the sun....and energizing you.....all for your next steps….on your way.